Sundays at Trinity
We gather together as one body every week to experience the truth and presence of Jesus.
New to Trinity?
We know that exploring a new church can be intimidating for some. Use this link for three simple steps to get you started.
Sunday Liturgy
Liturgy simply refers to different elements of a church gathering. On Sundays we recite different psalms, prayers, and historical statements all together. These are often referred to as “liturgical elements.” When you arrive, you will receive a worship guide that explains each element and will help you follow along with the service.
Serve on Sundays
Serving on Sundays is a wonderful way to join in the life of our community. It takes many hands to make every Sunday happen, and we would love for you to be a part of it!
Sunday Community Events
Every four to six weeks we host a church-wide picnic immediately following the service. This is a great way to meet someone new!
Quarterly we host a “Next Steps Brunch” for anyone new to the Trinity community that wants to learn more about the church and take a next step.
Frequently Asked Questions
We recommend arriving 15 minutes early to get a good parking spot, check-in your kids (if applicable), received a worship guide, and to get seated!
Students join their parents/guardians for the first portion of the service. They are released for their own lesson and games for the second half of the service.
The first Sunday of every month, students stay for the entirety of the service to partake in communion. -
On Sundays you’ll see a variety of styles, but most people dress casually.
Our worship service lasts about an hour and fifteen minutes. It often includes singing (hymns + newer songs), prayer, teaching, time for reflection, and communion.
Have more questions?
Contact our team at info@trinitysd.org