Steve Palomino



Born and raised in San Diego, Steve started attending a local church in college when the gospel of Christ began to transform his life. 

Within that time, Steve pursued a Multiple Subject Credential with a focus in music. He teaches at the elementary level and loves every minute! In 2014, he started attending Redeemer with his wife and experienced the purpose and power of the local church.  

Since then, Steve has served in various parts of the church: children’s ministry, worship team, community groups and ABIDE cohorts. In 2023, he began to serve as an elder at Trinity. He is a big fan of the local church, and desires to see the people of God mature towards the knowledge and grace of Jesus Christ. 

Steve has been married to his wife, Salomé, for 9 years. They have three girls and never a dull moment in their home. He enjoys intense games of pickleball, and the occasional trip to the woods.


Jonathan Fikse


Dave Pyke