The Story Project
Sam’s Story.
“Two and a half years ago I experienced the most life-rattling situation in my short existence. I had planned out an entire life for myself: when I would get married, who I would marry, when I would have kids and so forth. But it all came crashing down when God showed me I wasn’t the author of my life. I was in the middle of trying to close out the school year as an elementary teacher, move jobs, districts, and classrooms when I was hit with an unexpected breakup that I was not willing to accept. I asked how God could possibly do this to me and I began to question if I was being punished or if I was never really a child of God. My faith built on the sand was starting to crumble.
At the time, I didn’t have many friends at Trinity and was still readjusting to life back in San Diego after graduating and the pandemic. The only people that knew me were busy moms, who didn’t know me personally, but also only knew me as a pair to someone else. But these busy moms were part of God’s sweet favor to me as they invested their precious time to share coffee and wisdom. In one conversation I had with Salome, she mentioned that a couple of ladies were starting to gather in a Bible study and asked if I wanted to join. I was extremely reluctant as I wasn’t in a healthy place, spiritually, mentally, or physically but I was also so desperate for anything that I thought would fix my messed up life and situation. With a lot of hesitation, I managed to show up. My first week there, after remaining quiet for the entire first hour, the Holy Spirit moved in me and I broke down in tears sharing how angry I was with God. I was frustrated, confused and in a really dark place. My faith was weak and this one event revealed my faulty foundation and shattered everything I used to think. I didn’t trust Him and frankly I didn’t even want to. It felt way too unsafe to trust a God who would allow me to be in so much pain. A God who would take away what I thought was the perfect plan for my life and leave me in such a desolate, agonizing and lonely place.
I didn’t want to return to the study because I felt so uncomfortable being surrounded by women who were so different from me: they looked different, were in a completely different life stage (one that I longed for) and they really knew God and actually believed that He was good. But thankfully God knows me and He knew what I needed and did what He needed to have me in the right space. So despite my reservations, I just kept showing up. Cried a lot. Complained a lot. And studied a lot.
We met consistently, every other week, and we studied the Word. We had discussions and talked about God’s character revealed in the Bible but at the end of every conversation I cried, lamented my season, complained that even though I was reading these things about who God was, I didn’t really believe them. But week after week they continued to let me vent and always reminded me of the truth. And this wasn’t a short span of tears and anguish and needing to be reoriented. For over a year and a half, we continued to learn about who God is, we continued to share life, and they continued to point me back to Him. One thing they shared with me that I will always remember is, “We will hold these truths [about God] for you, until you can hold them on your own.” And while for the longest time I wasn’t able to believe these truths on my own, I was held tight by the Lord through them until, by his grace and true miracle, I could.
I blamed God for the breakup and thought that He was punishing me but in reality He used this situation to give me a hunger and desperate need for truth in His Word. He used the unfailing Word and a sweet community to reveal the richest type of love that no man or human could ever fill. And He removed the faulty foundation so a solid one could be built up.
As He continued to deepen this love, God showed me more purpose to this season of singleness and placed a conviction in my heart. This led to asking a few unmarried ladies if they would also like to join me in studying God’s Word. And by His grace, we’ve just completed our first study in Genesis 1-11 and are looking forward to more in 2024.
I am grateful to the Lord for his masterful ways and his deep intimate knowledge of my heart and soul. Grateful for His pursuit of man all the way to the cross and how he has continued that same pursuit of my heart and those around me. Grateful for Trinity and the community of healthy believers that exists within the church. And grateful for His unchanging, living, and active Word that speaks and is transforming my life and the lives of others.”
Sam and her original Bible study group that started meeting in 2021.
Sam with the Bible study group she intiatied in 2023.